$$$ More Important Than People
These "mothers" poison their young
(and ours, and us, and themselves)
Republicans and some Democrats in Congress are
busy removing protections for the environment
through the power of Congressional Review Acts
(which only require a majority vote.)
They have reversed a ruling that forbid coal mining companies to
dump waste into any source of drinking water, such as rivers and streams.
Methane restrictions are also being tampered with
(need I say Global Warming?)
Flaring, the burning off of natural gas while drilling in the
petroleum industry, was previously restricted.
This will waste taxpayer money while poisoning the planet.
With energy regulations like these, who needs enemies?
Scott Pruitt, the proposed new EPA head, is an acknowledged
climate change denier who has avoided scientific input
when he finds it convenient. Hundred's of former
and current EPA officials have spoken
against his appointment.
So great
Excellent. The Liar n Chief's endless barrage of outrageous tweets and provocative statements are INTENDED to overwhelm, confuse, distract and outrage us. Meanwhile this administration proceeds to carry out its far right agenda, an assault on voting rights, women's and minority rights, the environment and, oh yea, the Constitution. Keep these posts coming! We need 'em.
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