Thursday, February 23, 2017

School Daze or Once upon a time....

This little story might seem unbelievable.
but then, doesn't it all lately?
Once upon a time a beary bad educator chased all the children
away from the public schools.
The children were then scooped up by the Trumptrain.
He said "We are going to put
the miners back to work."
Yes, that is a direct quote.
But he really meant MINORS, cause he
was friendly with Beary DeVos,
and he knew it was unlikely to be MINERS
because the industry would flood the energy arena and the
price would go down and it wouldn't be
profitable and it competes with natural gas
and the Republicans weren't going
to support subsidies and and
(It also would have terrible environmental consequences,
 but he didn't care about that)
So this is really what he envisions..
By the way, a clean green source of energy.
and so my friends, if he puts the minors back to work we
will solve the school problems and the energy problems.
   (maybe the miners should go back to school?)
do we live in Seinfeld?
the end.
sorry about multiple mailings

1 comment: said...

As one minor remarked to another minor, "I think we have a major problem here."